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Writer's pictureJennifer Val


Updated: Mar 20, 2023




  • 1.complete trust or confidence in someone or something

  • 2.strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof

Before I gave my life to Christ, I was a very anxious young woman. I tried to control everything around me because I was afraid of everything. I was constantly worried about my health, the health of those around me, what people thought of me, about my job, about my relationships, etc. When things were going well, I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I truly prepared for the worst. I would like to say I hoped for the best, but in reality, I really was expecting the worst. I knew who God was. I had been to church. But I was unaware at the time that I could have, and was made to have, a personal relationship with Him.

When I began my walk with Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:7 became imprinted on my heart. My dad had told me a few years before that I could no longer obsess about things in which I had no control. I needed to let go of the uncontrollables. The only way to do that is to give it all to God. That is when I learned that I needed to walk by faith, not by sight.

Again, I knew who God was, but looking back, I thought of Him as a strict father. "Religion" was one of those words - one that brought organ music and yawns to mind. Then one day, a friend invited us to his church. We went that next night, a Saturday, and my whole world changed. A man named Mark would give message after message about how we were called into personal relationship with Christ. I began having conversations with God. I learned to open my heart and to listen to the Holy Spirit. I learned what faith really is. It is about trusting the One who created me. Not because I can see Him with my eyes or hear Him with my ears, but because HE is faithful. Even when I am not the child he called me to be and even when I doubt, HE is there. HE listens. He forgives and loves me, no matter what.

My testimony is a life-long story. It would take many days, many pages, to really convey how I came to give my life over to Christ. There is no ending to my testimony, as God continues to mold me, change me and move me. Every day is different, but the instruction in 1 Corinthians 5:7 remains core to my daily walk. In the good, in the bad, in the in-between, I will walk by faith, not by sight.

God Bless!


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Mar 19, 2023
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I love your testimony!

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